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A Metacognitive Strategy of Predicting: Teaching Tentative Language to Overcome the Fear of Being Wrong
A Metacognitive Strategy of Predicting: Teaching Tentative Language to Overcome the Fear of Being Wrong
16th May 2024
Making predictions is a critical skill in learning that spans all subjects and year groups. However, one of the most significant barriers to developing this skill in students is their fear of being wrong. This fear can stifle creativity, hinder learning, and prevent students from engaging fully with the material. As teachers, it is essential to create a classroom environment that values the process of thinking and exploration over the correctness of answers. A powerful tool in achieving this is teaching and using tentative language. This blog will explore how to foster such an environment and provide practical strategies for incorporating tentative language into prediction activities.
Embodied Cognition
Embodied Cognition
25th Jan 2024
Embodied cognition is a concept in educational psychology that proposes that learning is not merely a cognitive process but fundamentally intertwined with physical actions and the environment. This article explores the research underpinning embodied cognition and provides examples of how it may be applied to a range of curriculum subjects.