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Kind words

Lots of useful parts to the day: Focus on long-term memory, Types of knowledge, Links to previous knowledge, Quadrants for each question, Clarity of curriculum, Broad and balanced discussion, What is powerful knowledge, Types of vocabulary, Types of reading material, Coverage is not progression, Clarity of threshold concepts and end points, Spaced retrieval, Debunked theories, Unsuitable activities, Dual coding, Types of assessment. Very thorough - I now need to digest this!

The course has been very engaging throughout. What I particularly like is the fact it has been offered online as I was able to stop during the sessions, consider the impact to my own practise and also go back if I felt I had missed something. I also like how I can still go back through to different parts to check on references to the researchers discussed. Great course.

Heather Sargent

Very informative and well presented. Online learning really helped my style of learning as I was able to pause and rewind to listen again. Can this also be an option for future courses. I was able to access this in a comfortable seating position without any awkwardness of dodging heads to view the screen.

Tanya Welsh

Found course very informative and has given me the interest to do some background reading on research mentioned.

Julie Brown

An excellent course with so much useful content. Thank you for providing the deep dive research evidence and further reading list as this will be very beneficial. Also, the information on dual coding and cognitive load will be really useful to discuss with staff.

The training was very useful, particularly the research evidence and practical strategies, as well as the resources shared and ideas suggested. I would rate the overall quality of my booking as very good.

Everything Chris said ties in with what we’ve been talking about in school – cognitive load and the ability to commit information to memory, making it knowledge which can then be used. The session was great. It has given me lots to think about and share. Thank you!

Such a fantastic day full of a wealth of information. Clearly presented with time to digest the information and reflect. Truly valuable day. Huge thanks – I will recommend!

The training was really useful. In particular, the evaluation structure using the model as it will make us reflect on our practice using the guidance provided and give us steps for developing and improving.