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Kind words

We booked the 2 day Assessment across the Primary Curriculum course to be delivered in person to our group of 100 delegates. Differences about AFL, Formative & Summative assessment and ideas to be used for AFL were very useful.  I would rate our booking as excellent - high quality training and interesting content with new ideas.

Cathy Carlisle, CEO
Soke Education Trust

The distinction of the different types of assessment and the examples of many ways to conduct AFL was useful.  I would rate my booking as excellent and relevant.

Ceri Tacey, Headteacher
Scamblesby, Lincolnshire

The course was very comprehensive and I can now explore areas in further detail as needed. Much of the presentation is transferable to short staff updates about assessment, for example clarification about different types of assessment. One of the school development areas for next year is assessment, so the course has supported planning for this. Thank you for the high quality presentation and materials. I would rate my booking with your company as excellent.

Lisa Cooper, Deputy Headteacher
Brampton Village Primary School
Please pass on my thanks to Chris and the team for another excellent training session.